Theory of Elementary Interactions

3rd Warsaw Spring Workshop: CP violation

from to (Europe/Warsaw)
at Faculty of Physics ( Monday: C1.01, Tuesday:C1.40 )
Warsaw, 5 Pasteura St.
During April  13-14, 2015, a third edition of the Warsaw Spring Workshop will take 
place in the new building of Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, 5 Pasteura St.
This year the workshop titled „CP violation” will be devoted to discussions on 
theories of CP violation, experimental measurements of CP violation at the LHC 
and Belle, and the role of CP violation in cosmology.

Program of lectures:

-Monday April 13, room 1.01,
11:00-12:00, Gustavo Branco,  CFTP Lisboa,
                     CP Violation in the Standard Model and Beyond
12:00-13:15, lunch break,
13:15-14:15, Maria Rozanska, INP PAS, Cracow
                     CP violation studies at Belle(II)

-Tuesday April 14, room 1.40,
11:00-12:00, Artur Ukleja, NCNR Warsaw, 
                     LHCb results on CP violation
12:00-13:15, lunch break,
13:15-14:15, Mariano Quiros, CIRAS Barcelona, 
                    Baryogenesis and CP violation

Copies of transparencies can be found on