from 30 November 2017 to 3 December 2017 (Europe/Warsaw)
University of Warsaw
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Constraints on running vacuum model with H(z) and fsigma_8

Presented by Lu YIN on 2 Dec 2017 from 16:30 to 16:45


We set the cosmological constant \Lambda is not canstant but a function of Hubble parameter, and \Lambda can decay with matter and radiation in the expansion universe. We examine the running vacuum model with \Lambda(H) = 3\nuH^2 + \Lambda_0, where \nu is the model parameter and \Lambda_0 is the cosmological constant. From the data of the cosmic microwave background radiation, weak lensing and baryon acoustic oscillation along with the time dependent Hubble parameter H(z) and weighted linear growth f(z)\sigma_8(z) measurements, we nd that \nu = 1.37x10^-4 with the best fitted \chi^2 value slightly smaller than that in the \LambdaCDM model.


Location: Faculty of Physics
Room: Lecture Hall 1.40

Primary authors

  • Lu YIN Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University