3-7 December 2015
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Light singlet scenario in R-symmetric SUSY
Presented by Mr. Wojciech KOTLARSKI
R-symmetry is an additional symmetry which might be preserved after SUSY breaking. This leads to interesting phenomenological consequences like the existance of Dirac gauginos. A model with a minimal implementation of this symmetry, the MRSSM, also includes a gauge singlet Higgs state which could be lighter than the observed 125 GeV SM-like Higgs, while still not conficting LEP or LHC bounds. In this talk I will discus positive effects of mixing between SM-like and singlet Higgses as well as phenomenology of Dirac bino-singlino dark matter.
Primary authors
- Jan KALINOWSKI University of Warsaw
- Mr. Wojciech KOTLARSKI University of Warsaw
- Prof. Dominik STöCKINGER TU - Dresden
- Mr. Philip DIESSNER TU Dresden