3-7 December 2015
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Presented by Mr. Odd Magne OGREID
6 Dec 2015
In the Two-Higgs-Doublet model, CP-violation in the Higgs sector can be described using three weak-basis invariants. At one-loop level, CP violating effects arise in the effective ZZZ and ZWW vertices. These vertices provide a direct measure of one of the CP-violating invariants in the 2HDM.
Presented by Mr. Odd Magne OGREID
In this talk I will introduce the Supersymmetric Custodial Triplet Model (SCTM), the supersymmetric version of the Georgi-Machacek model where three triplets of SU(2) are added to the MSSM in a custodial invariant way. I will embed it into a predictive theory of supersymmetry breaking and I will also study its implication for Dark Matter.
Presented by Prof. Antonio DELGADO
We show, via a careful analytical and numerical analysis, that a pseudo Gold- stone nature of the Higgs is naturally embodied by an elementary realization that also serves as ultraviolet completion. Renormalizability married to perturbation theory allows to precisely determine the quantum corrections of the theory while permitting to explore the underlying parameter space. By characterising the av
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Presented by Dr. aurora MERONI
Presented by Dr. Aurora MERONI
6 Dec 2015
We propose a minimal scalar extension of the Standard Model that addresses in a structural and natural way a number of its observational and theoretical open issues: neutrino masses, dark matter and the strong CP problem. The technical naturalness of the model implies new scalar states well within the LHC reach, while the very low-energy dynamics is governed by the axion-dilaton interplay.
Presented by Dr. Luca DI LUZIO
Presented by Dr. Luca DI LUZIO
6 Dec 2015
We construct asymptotically free renormalization group trajectories for the generic nonabelian Higgs model in four-dimensional spacetime. These ultraviolet-complete trajectories become visible by generalizing the renormalization/boundary conditions in the definition of the correlation functions of the theory. Though they are accessible in a controlled weak-coupling analysis, these trajectories ori
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Presented by Dr. Luca ZAMBELLI
Presented by Dr. Luca ZAMBELLI
6 Dec 2015
Presented by Dr. Marco SAMPAIO
6 Dec 2015
Singlet models are an interesting and simple framework to address several beyond the standard model issues which can also provide interesting new phenomenology at colliders. They can provide dark matter candidates, improve the stability of the standard model (SM) at high energies, make electroweak baryogenesis viable and provide Higgs to two-Higgs decay signatures at colliders. In this talk I will
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Presented by Dr. Marco SAMPAIO
The Two-Particle-Irreducible (2PI) formalism as introduced by Cornwall,
Jackiw and Tomboulis provides a systematic analytic approach to
consistently describing non-perturbative phenomena in Quantum Field
Theory. In spite of its great success, one major problem of the 2PI
approach is that its loopwise expansion gives rise to residual
violations of symmetries and hence to massive Goldstone boso
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Presented by Prof. Apostolos PILAFTSIS
Presented by Mr. Yuya YAMAGUCHI
6 Dec 2015
In the standard model, electroweak symmetry breaking is caused by a negative mass term of the Higgs doublet, while it seems to be ad hoc. We suggest the so-called bosonic seesaw mechanism in a two Higgs doublet model with a classically conformal U(1)_{B-L} extension. After the U(1)_{B-L} breaking, mass terms for the two Higgs doublets are generated through scalar quartic couplings. Their masses ar
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Presented by Mr. Yuya YAMAGUCHI
I will discuss CP violation in the scalar (Higgs) sector, with emphasis on possible complex vacua and spontaneous CP violation in a theory with an S3-symmetric potential.
Presented by Prof. Per OSLAND
We construct the scalar potential of the Standard Model with an additional singlet scalar field (SMS), assuming an exact Z2 symmetry, where the singlet is Z2-even. To simplify the model we use a softly broken U(1) symmetry, which allows a reduction of the number of free parameters in the potential. Additional CP violating phase can appear if a complex singlet with a non-zero vacuum expectation val
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Presented by Mrs. Neda DARVISHI
Presented by Ms. Neda DARVISHI
Presented by Ms. Neda DARVISHI
6 Dec 2015
Assuming that a resonace of mass 300 GeV decying into two Higgs bosons with two standard deviation observed by LHC is indeed our long speculated bound state of 6 top + 6 anti top quarks we include corrections leading to that in pure Standard Model there could be just barely stability of the vacuum! This is a coincidence improving the accuracy of our earlier on the bais of our Multiple Point Princi
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Presented by Prof. Holger Bech NIELSEN
The well known conditions of positivity and unitrity
in the 2HDM are written usually via parameters of
potential $\lambda_a$ which values cannot be obtained from
measurements unambigously. We express these very
conditions in terms of measurable quantities. These
conditions cannot be checked soon since they
include values of some triple
and quartic Higgs couplings (with charged
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Presented by Prof. Ilya GINZBURG
Although there is no report for the discovery of additional Higgs bosons at the LHC Run-I,
there still remain possibilities that the Higgs sector is extended from the minimal form as in the SM.
One of the most important parameters in non-minimal Higgs sectors
is a mass of the second Higgs boson.
In general, such a parameter is taken to be free, but
this can be constrained by taking in
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Presented by Kei YAGYU
Presented by Kei YAGYU
6 Dec 2015
We discuss how mono-X searches at the LHC (with X = h,W,Z) could shed light on the nature of Dark Matter (DM) and its interactions with the Standard Model (SM), focusing on two well-motivated scenarios: (i) The scalar Higgs portal DM scenario, where such signatures could allow to distinguish between a linear and a non-linear realization of electroweak symmetry breaking. (ii) The pseudo-scalar port
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Presented by Dr. Jose Miguel NO
Presented by Dr. Jose Miguel NO
6 Dec 2015
Presented by Dr. Dorota SOKOLOWSKA
6 Dec 2015
Multi-scalar extensions of the Standard Model can accommodate a viable Dark Matter candidate and modification of Higgs decay rates. One of the simplest choices for the extended scalar sector is the Inert Doublet Model, i.e. the Standard Model with an additional inert scalar doublet. The IDM can be further extended by extra doublets or singlets, which may modify both DM- and collider phenomenology.
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Presented by Dr. Dorota SOKOLOWSKA
I will briefly recall the interest in and status of large-field models of inflation. I will then discuss general no-go arguments against this version of inflation which are based on gravitational instantons and the so-called weak-gravity conjecture. Then I will turn to possible loopholes in those arguments and explain how certain string-theoretic constructions might, nevertheless, be able to reali
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Presented by Prof. Arthur HEBECKER
It is known that non-perturbative particle production are induced if the particles couple to a time-varying background field, such as the preheating theory. Especially, bosonic particles can grow exponentially due to parametric resonance. We have investigated this mechanism with a interacted system, in which there are fields without direct coupling to the background but with coupling to other fi
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Presented by Dr. Seishi ENOMOTO
Presented by Dr. Seishi ENOMOTO
6 Dec 2015
Presented by Mr. Masatoshi YAMADA
6 Dec 2015
We discuss an extension of the standard model based on the classically scale invariance. We introduce scalar fields coupled to strongly interacting gauge fields in hidden sector and the Higgs field in the standard model sector. In the model, the electroweak symmetry is broken through a condensation of the scalar fields by non-perturbative effects in the hidden sector. We formulate an effective mod
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Presented by Mr. Masatoshi YAMADA
We compute one-loop induced trilinear vertices with physical charged Higgs bosons $H^\pm$ and ordinary neutral gauge bosons,
i.e., $H^\pm W^\mp Z$ and $H^\pm W^\mp \gamma$, in the model with
two active plus one inert scalar doublet fields under a $Z_2(\text{unbroken})\times \tilde{Z}_2(\text{softly-broken})$ symmetry. The $Z_2$ and $\tilde{Z}_2$ symmetries are introduced to guarantee the sta
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Presented by Ms. Diana ROJAS
Presented by Ms. Diana ROJAS
6 Dec 2015
Presented by Mr. Mateusz ISKRZYNSKI
The simplest Grand Unified Theory (GUT) embedding the Standard Model (SM) is based on the SU(5) symmetry. The unification of gauge couplings, failing in the SM, takes place in the R-parity conserving Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM).
We investigated the possibility of satisfying the minimal SU(5) boundary conditions also for Yukawa matrices at the GUT scale within the MSSM. We found
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Presented by Mr. Mateusz ISKRZYNSKI
We will present a simple model of decaying DM, where the DM population
is generated from the decay of an exotic scalar particle, charged under the Standard Model gauge group and in equilibrium in the early universe. The phenomenology of the model at the LHC and the connection
to DM indirect detection will be discussed, especially for the region
of parameter space compatible with FIMP/SWIMP pro
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Presented by Prof. Laura COVI
We consider a special case of 2HDM type III known as BGL. These models have tree level flavour changing neutral couplings in the Higgs sector. As a result of a flavour symmetry these couplings are suppressed by the CKM and the PMNS matrices and /or by light masses. In fact these models can be considered as implementing the MFV hypothesis. After imposing the diagonal or flavour blind constraints fr
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Presented by Francisco J. BOTELLA
It can be the case that we are in a meta-stable vacuum and its decay time is longer than the age of universe. In most papers, the decay rate is estimated without calculating the pre-exponential factor because they believe that it is much less significant than the exponential suppression factor. What we point out is that this estimate can involve a large error owing to the uncertainty in the renorm
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Presented by Mr. Yutaro SHOJI
Presented by Dr. Yutaro SHOJI
6 Dec 2015
We present the latest status of global fits to the softly broken $Z_2$ symmetric Two-Higgs-Doublet models of type I and II with CP conservation in the scalar potential.
We show how much the parameter space is constrained by the combination of the relevant theoretical and experimental inputs, including the LHC data after the first run and interpreting the 125 GeV boson as the light CP even Higgs.
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Presented by Otto EBERHARDT
Presented by Otto EBERHARDT
6 Dec 2015
The current experimental limit on Charge Lepton Flavour
Violating (CLFV) processes allows the branching ratios of $h \to \tau
\mu$ and $h \to \tau e$ processes to be of order 10%. Since such CLFV
processes are forbidden in the Standard Model (SM), we aim to explain
these processes by employing the Froggatt-Nielsen mechanism. This
mechanism requires the addition of a scalar field called the fl
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Presented by Dr. Venus KEUS
We consider the possibility that the muon g - 2 anomaly, delta (g - 2)_mu , finds its origins in low energy supersymmetry (SUSY). In the general MSSM the parameter space consistent with delta (g - 2)_mu and correct dark matter relic density of the lightest neutralino easily evades the present direct LHC limits on sparticle masses and also lies to a large extent beyond future LHC sensitivity. The s
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Presented by Dr. Andrew WILLIAMS
Presented by Dr. Andrew WILLIAMS
6 Dec 2015
The SO(5)xU(1) gauge-Higgs EW unification is successful at low energies. The 4D Higgs
boson appears as a part of the extra-dimensional component of gauge fields. It gives definitive predictions for H -> gamma gamma, Z gamma etc, consistent with 8 TeV LHC, and for Z', W' events to be explored at 14 TeV LHC. The model is extended to the SO(11) gauge-Higgs grand unification with fermion multipl
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Presented by Prof. Yutaka HOSOTANI
I will discuss several aspects of Higgs phenomenology that can be significantly altered in models with vectolrike families with focus on new decay modes of Heavy Higgs bosons.
Presented by Prof. Radovan DERMISEK
A brief review on the Higgs-gauge and Yukawa couplings will be given.
The most important is to determine the size and the sign of the top
Yukawa coupling. The current Higgs data cannot completely ruled out
the opposite sign of the top Yukawa. We propose single-top plus Higgs
production to determine the sign of the top Yukawa. The second part
is the study of Higgs-pair production, which can
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Presented by Prof. Kingman CHEUNG
Presented by Aqeel AHMED
I will talk about "Higgs-Radion unification" scenario, where an SU(2) Higgs doublet plays the role of a stabilizing field in the Randall-Sundrum model-I (RSI). In the 4D effective theory the zero-mode of the Higgs-radion field mimics the scalar particle observed at the LHC with mass 125 GeV. I will discuss some of the phenomenological implications of this scenario.
Presented by Aqeel AHMED
Presented by Aqeel AHMED
6 Dec 2015
Presented by Dr. Masato YAMANAKA
6 Dec 2015
We proposed a new charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV) process, $\mu^- e^- \rightarrow e^- e^-$ in a muonic atom, as one of the promising processes to search for new physics beyond the standard model [1]. It was found that the attractive interaction of leptons with the nucleus in the muonic atom enhances the transition rate of the $\mu^- e^- \rightarrow e^- e^-$ process. We report on our improve
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Presented by Dr. Masato YAMANAKA
Presented by Dr. Michal ARTYMOWSKI
6 Dec 2015
In my talk I will analyse the influence of higher order corrections to the Jordan frame potentials or $f(R)$ function to Higgs and Starobinsky inflationary models. I will present inflationary scenarios which emerge from modified potentials and compare results with experimental data. In principle I will focus on possibility of obtaining saddle point inflation generate by higher order corrections.
Presented by Dr. Michal ARTYMOWSKI
We propose a novel leptogenesis scenario at the reheating era.
Our setup is minimal in the sense that, in addition to the standard model Lagrangian, we only consider an inflaton and higher dimensional operators. After the decay of an inflaton, the model is described within the standard model with higher dimensional operators which induce the violation of the lepton number and the CP violation. It
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Presented by Dr. Kiyoharu KAWANA
Presented by Dr. Kiyoharu KAWANA
6 Dec 2015
Presented by Mr. Wojciech KOTLARSKI
6 Dec 2015
R-symmetry is an additional symmetry which might be preserved after SUSY breaking. This leads to interesting phenomenological consequences like the existance of Dirac gauginos. A model with a minimal implementation of this symmetry, the MRSSM, also includes a gauge singlet Higgs state which could be lighter than the observed 125 GeV SM-like Higgs, while still not conficting LEP or LHC bounds. In t
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Presented by Mr. Wojciech KOTLARSKI
The non-observation of new particles at the LHC suggests the existence of a mass gap above the electroweak scale. This situation is adequately described through a general electroweak effective theory with the established fields and Standard Model symmetries. Its couplings contain all information about the unknown short-distance dynamics which is accessible at low energies. We consider a generic st
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Presented by Antonio PICH
Presented by Dr. Tomasz JELINSKI
6 Dec 2015
Presented by Dr. Cem Salih UN
6 Dec 2015
The Higgs boson discovery in the ATLAS and CMS experiments has led to strict constraints for the supersymmetric models. The experimental analyses have approved that the Standard Model predictions are highly consistent with the experimental results. The highest discrepancy between the experiment and the Standard Model happens in the measurements of the muon anomalous magnetic moment (muon g-2). The
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Presented by Dr. Cem Salih UN
After the LHC Run 1, the standard model (SM) of particle physics has been completed. Yet, despite its successes, the SM has shortcomings vis-\`{a}-vis cosmological and other observations. At the same time, while the LHC restarts for Run 2 at 13 TeV, there is presently a lack of direct evidence for new physics phenomena at the accelerator energy frontier. From this state of affairs arises the need
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Presented by Prof. Giampiero PASSARINO
In order to solve the hierarchy problem, the stop quark should be rather light and its mass can be close to the one of the LSP. If the mass difference of the stop to the neutralino LSP is smaller than the top mass it can only decay flavour violating (mainly to charm and neutralino). The decay is not allowed in naive MFV at tree-level and is suppressed by small CKM angels in symmetry based MFV givi
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Presented by Mr. Jason AEBISCHER
Presented by Mr. Jason AEBISCHER
6 Dec 2015
After reviewing the use (and misuse) of naturalness in model building, I discuss a possible application: a natural model of minimal dark matter
Presented by Marco FABBRICHESI
The discovery of the Higgs boson by the LHC has initiated an era of Higgs precision studies. In the absence of any new particles in the spectrum, and no indication of it at the electroweak scale, suggest that the new physics effects are better explored through precision studies of the interactions of the SM particle spectrum. Related the Higgs sector, this could be investigated efficiently through
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Presented by Prof. Poulose POULOSE
Presented by Prof. Poulose POULOSE
6 Dec 2015
We investigate possible New Physics interpretations of the recently observed excess in the h → τ μ decay. We derive a lower bound on the Higgs boson coupling strength to a tau and a muon, even in presence of the most general new physics affecting other Higgs properties. Then we reevaluate complementary indirect constraints coming from low energy observables as well as from theoretical consid
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Presented by Prof. Svjetlana FAJFER
I will discuss several new aspects of CP violation coming from the scalar sector in multi-Higgs-doublet models.
Presented by Dr. Igor IVANOV
Presented by Ms. Olga CZERWIńSKA
6 Dec 2015
It is known that time-dependent vacuum expectation value of the background field causes the production of particles. Talk would present the general mechanism of particle production in time-varying backgrounds with the impact of rescattering emphasised, also in models with more than one coupling constant. Cosmological applications of this general method shall be presented.
Presented by Ms. Olga CZERWIńSKA
We discuss how we are able to discriminate extended Higgs sectors by using future precision measurements of the couplings of the discovered Higgs boson h(125) with the mass of 125 GeV. To this end, we construct a full set of numerical codes for evaluating all the couplings of h(125) at the one-loop level in various general extended Higgs sectors, such as the Higgs model with an isospin singlet sca
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Presented by Ms. Mariko KIKUCHI
Presented by Ms. Mariko KIKUCHI
6 Dec 2015
In this talk I will present the signatures of Inert Doublet Model scalars at the Linear Colliders with the center of mass energies 500~GeV and 1000~GeV at the integrated luminosity of 500 $fb^{-1}$. Several benchmark points are studied with focus on $H^\pm \to W^\pm H$ and $A \to Z H$ decays and the signal statistical significance is calculated in different final states. The result shows that th
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Presented by Saereh NAJJARI
I first discuss the role of pseudoscalar fields in potentially inducing Majorana neutrino mass in a way alternative to seesaw and then I proceed to study the role of cosmic backgrounds of such fields in the early Universe in inducing Leptogenesis. A particularly interesting realization of the above ideas, motivated from string theory, which I will concentrate upon in the talk, is that of an antisy
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Presented by Prof. Nikolaos MAVROMATOS
We discuss the motivations and perspectives of radiative neutrino mass models with special emphasis on those which only contain new scalars.
Presented by Dr. Tommi ALANNE
6 Dec 2015
We propose a Grand-Unified-Theory framework [arXiv:1511.01910], where the hierarchy between the unification and the Fermi scale emerges radiatively. As a concrete example, we study a Pati-Salam-type unification scenario, where the SM scalar sector is replaced by an SU(4)-symmetric one. In this scenario, the observed Higgs particle is an elementary pseudo-Goldstone boson.
We show that it is pos
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Presented by Dr. Tommi ALANNE
ATLAS and CMS have been searching for new physics in many different channels. While the experimental analyses are often optimised for specific signatures of specific models, the number of observed events in the various signal regions can also be used to constrain other models, which were not considered by the the experimental collaborations. As a concrete example I will discuss how the dilepton +
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Presented by Sabine KRAML
Recently, a new mechanism to generate a naturally small electroweak scale has been proposed. It exploits the coupling of the Higgs to an axion-like field and a long era in the early universe where the axion unchains a dynamical screening of the Higgs mass. We present a new realization of this idea with the new feature that leaves no signs of new physics up to a rather large scale, 10^9 GeV, except
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Presented by Christophe GROJEAN
I will discuss new exact results in four-dimensional quantum field theory that led us to the discovery of asymptotically safe theories in four dimensions without supersymmetry. I will then move to supersymmetric cousins of the theories above, and present exact results that make use of a number of non-perturbative tools ranging from the unitary of the conformal operators to the a-theorem and a-max
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Presented by Prof. Francesco SANNINO
In this talk, I will briefly put in context scalar WIMPs as dark matter candidates. I will then go on discussing two recent simple scalar DM models and their possible signatures (some striking) for direct and indirect detection experiments and at the LHC.
Presented by Dr. Michel TYTGAT
Presented by Mr. Kasper LANGæBLE
6 Dec 2015
We investigate the phenomenological viability of a recently proposed class of composite dark matter models where the relic density is determined by 3→2 number-changing processes in the dark sector. Here the pions of the strongly interacting field theory constitute the dark matter particles. By performing a consistent next-to-leading- and next-to-next-to-leading-order chiral perturbative investig
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Presented by Mr. Kasper LANGæBLE
Standard Model effective field theory at NLO. Higgs Physics and EWPD
Presented by Prof. Giampiero PASSARINO
We shall describe the physics program with tagged forward protons, focusing on scalar particle production in the Central Exclusive Production (CEP) Process in polarized proton-proton collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, with the STAR detector at \sqrt{s} = 200 GeV. Preliminary results in CEP of two oppositely charged pions and kaons produced in the processes $pp\to pp \pi^+\pi^-$ and
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Presented by Dr. Wlodek GURYN
Presented by Dr. Wlodek GURYN
6 Dec 2015
In the alignment limit of a multi-doublet Higgs sector, one of the Higgs mass eigenstates aligns with the direction of the vacuum expectation value, and its couplings approach those of the Standard Model (SM). Considering the CP-conserving Two-Higgs-Doublet Models of Type I and Type II near the alignment limit, we focus on the case in which the heavier of the two CP-even state, H, is the 125 GeV S
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Presented by Jeremy BERNON
Presented by Jeremy BERNON
6 Dec 2015
We present results from the BaBar experiment on searches for low-mass new physics. This includes a search for a light CP-odd Higgs boson (A0) in Upsilon(1S) -> gamma A0, A0 -> ccbar decays, providing limits on the product branching fraction B(Upsilon(1S) -> gamma A0)xB(A0 -> ccbar)
at the level of 7x10-5 - 2x10-3 for A0 masses between 4.0 GeV and 9.25 GeV; and a search for neutral, long-lived
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Presented by Dr. fabio ANULLI
Presented by Dr. fabio ANULLI
In this talk I will discuss the issue of the stability of the inert vacuum state. It is the ground state of the inert doublet model (IDM), with one scalar doublet having SM-like vacuum expectation value and the other not participating in spontaneous symmetry breaking. Two approaches to this problem will be presented. First, the influence of heavy inert scalars on the SM-like vacuum will be studied
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Presented by Bogumila SWIEZEWSKA
Presented by Bogumila SWIEZEWSKA
6 Dec 2015
I will discuss possible connections between the Higgs and dark matter as well as inflation.
Presented by Oleg LEBEDEV
We set out to investigate the stability of the Higgs effective potential in curved spacetime. To this end, we considered the gauge-less top-Higgs sector with an additional scalar field. Using the heat kernel method we derived the one-loop effective action for the model at hand. We found that the lowest order nontrivial gravity induced terms are proportional to the square of the Riemman and the Ric
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Presented by Dr. Łukasz NAKONIECZNY
Presented by Dr. Łukasz NAKONIECZNY
6 Dec 2015
We discuss the parameter space of the Inert Doublet model, a two Higgs doublet model with a dark matter candidate. An extensive set of theoretical and experimental constraints on this model is considered, where both collider as well as astroparticle data limits are taken into account. We discuss the effects of these constraints on the models parameter space. The combination of all constraints lead
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Presented by Tania ROBENS
Presented by Tania ROBENS
6 Dec 2015
The Lee-Wick Standard Model is a highly constrained two-Higgs model, with one parameter determining all additional masses and mixing angles. It also solves the gauge hierarchy problem. However, it contains states with negative norm, i.e. negative widths, i.e. they decay before they are produced. Nonetheless, the model appears to be unitary and macroscopically causal. The model will be reviewe
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Presented by Marc SHER
In an explicit example of a three-Higgs-doublet model
we study the potential with respect to stability, electroweak-symmetry breaking,
CP symmetry and the mass matrices of the physical Higgs bosons.
As we show, this can be done easily in the bilinear formalism.
Presented by Prof. Markos MANIATIS
We discuss a composite two Higgs doublet model based on a symmetry breaking SO(6) × U (1)_x → SO(4) ×SO(2) × U (1)_x at a scale f, and explain how the effective kinetic terms and Yukawa interactions are obtained.
The coupling of the Higgs boson as a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson
to the standard model fields can deviate from
that of the standard model Higgs boson due to the non-linear featu
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Presented by Ms. Emine YILDIRIM
Presented by Ms. Emine YILDIRIM
6 Dec 2015
Presented by Mr. Mateusz DUCH
6 Dec 2015
We study a model of a vector dark matter coming from the complex scalar Higgs portal with an additional U(1) gauge symmetry. Renormalisation group equations at the 2-loop level are used to analyse perturbativity and influence of the dark gauge coupling on the vacuum stability. We discuss LHC and LEP constraints on the additional Higgs-like scalar present in the model and bounds coming from the Pla
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Presented by Mr. Mateusz DUCH
126 GeV Higgs mass indicates a vanishing Higgs potential at the high energy scale (around 10^10 GeV) in the framework of the standard model (SM). It seems to indicate a hint of new physics beyond the SM. I will suggest various possibilities of the SM extensions from the view point of vacuum stability, naturalness, gauge coupling unification and so on.
Presented by Prof. Naoyuki Haba HABA
Presented by Prof. Ilya GINZBURG
6 Dec 2015