11-14 September 2019
University of Warsaw
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Parallel 3


Location: University of Warsaw
Address: Faculty of Physics Pasteura Str. 5 02-093 Warsaw Poland
Date: 13 Sep 14:00 - 15:30


  • Theory
    • Dr. Perez-Victoria, Manuel (University of Granada)

Timetable | Contribution List

Displaying 6 contributions out of 6
Session: Parallel 3
The effective field theory (EFT) turns out to be an instrument of an immense value in all aspects of modern particle physics being theory, phenomenology or experiment. In this talk I will show how to extend the systematic top down approach to construction of the EFT proposed by Hitoshi Murayama (LBL, Berkeley) and separately by John Ellis (King’s Coll. London) groups to the curved spacetime. To ... More
Presented by Dr. Lukasz NAKONIECZNY on 13/09/2019 at 13:15
Session: Parallel 3
In this work we study the phenomenological constraints to the parameter space of scalars carring color quantum numbers. Specifically we constrain the Manohar-Wise model based on the addition of a SU(2) double and SU(3) octet to the minimal Higgs model. The fits are performed using the open source HEPfit package. We include both theoretical constraints, such as unitarity and pertubativity, and expe ... More
Presented by Victor MIRALLES on 13/09/2019 at 12:00
Session: Parallel 3
We investigate the production of primordial Gravitation Waves (GWs) arising from First Order Phase Transitions (FOPT) associated to neutrino mass generation in the context of type-I seesaw models. We examine both high scale and low scale variants, with either explicit or spontaneously broken lepton number symmetry. In the latter case, a pseudo-Goldstone boson, dubbed Majoron, may provide a candida ... More
Presented by Dr. Antonio MORAIS on 13/09/2019 at 12:45
Session: Parallel 3
Dynamic relaxation provides an interesting framework which intends to solve the hierarchy problem by postulating, that the observed value of the electroweak scale was determined dynamically in the early Universe. Values of the electroweak scale were scanned during an evolution of axion-like field (a relaxion), with a stopping mechanism responsible for fixing the scale at a small value. The ori ... More
Presented by Mr. Adam MARKIEWICZ on 13/09/2019 at 13:00
Session: Parallel 3
Warped extra dimensions have been widely used in the last twenty years to address the hierarchy problem and construct phenomenologically viable BSM models. These models require some mechanism to stabilize the size of the extra dimension, which usually produces a light radion. A common tool used to study the stabilization mechanism is the effective potential of the radion and several approximatio ... More
Presented by Dr. Javier MARTINEZ LIZANA on 13/09/2019 at 12:30
Session: Parallel 3
We consider a scalar field with a bottom-less linear potential, finding that cosmologies unavoidably end up with a crunch, even in scenarios compatible with the observed positive cosmological constant. Assuming that rebounces avoid singularities, this generates a new kind of multiverse: the universe undergoes cycles with different cosmological constants, all with finite lifetime regardless of the ... More
Presented by Dr. Daniele TERESI on 13/09/2019 at 12:15
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